Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Disney Princess Reads

February 4 2017

Disney Princess Reads:

One of the 1st things I thought of after being crowned was how excited I was to have the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of the youth throughout the state of Utah, February 4th 2017 was a magical day at Barnes and Noble. I want to publicly thank them for asking me to be a part of "Disney Princess Reads" This age group is such an important time to teach the importance of reading and literacy skills so we will ensure our future. And of coarse they will listen to me... I'm dressed up like princess Elsa!
In all honesty.With this crown and the title that I hold as Miss Teen Utah International 2017 it is important to me to be a positive role model. I look at these sweet innocent little faces and know they will be facing challenges throughout their lives. I feel it is my responsibility to teach them as much as I can now so they can make positive choices.

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