Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day of Action: Utah

miss teen utah
Every June, more than 150,000 volunteers in hundreds of cities nationwide participate in United Way Day of Action. Day of Action brings people together to harness the volunteer spirit and improve the conditions in which they live. Locally, United Way of Salt Lake creates and support a fun volunteer event to engage companies, community groups, families, and individuals in service that benefits UWSL community schools and neighborhood centers. 

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 Right now in our own community several kids go hungry everyday. I was part of a school organization that picked up students from shelters fed them breakfast, gave them an education, lunch and brought them home. They also provided them a sack lunch of food for the weekend.

miss teen utah

I helped assemble hygiene kits and school binders for students in need.

miss teen utah international

Great team effort from Live United. I learned more about programs in the community as Big Brothers  Big Sisters of Utah and how I can volunteer more with them.

miss teen utah international

211 Get Connected-Get Answers is a 24 hour live call service to find assistance with emergency food, utility assistance, health and mental health, government services, legal aid, housing and transportation.

miss teen utah international

WIOA Youth Program is smart choices today for bright futures tomorrow. 

miss teen utah

The Day of Action choose to help Hillcrest Huskies. Volunteers beautify the school grounds by hours of pulling weeds and cleaning the school.

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